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A Course represents a course available at the University of Texas at Dallas. A Course should not be confused with a Section, which is the actual instantiation of a Course with a professor and dedicated meeting times.


_idObjectIdThe MongoDB database id for the Course object.ObjectId("61ebbb126e3659537e8a14d6")
course_numberStringThe course's official number.2417
subject_prefixStringThe course's subject prefix.MATH
titleStringThe course's title.Calculus I
descriptionStringThe course's description.Functions, limits, continuity, differentiation; integration of...
schoolStringThe course's school.School of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
credit_hoursStringThe number of credit hours awarded by successful completion of the course. Will be "V" if variable credit hours.V
class_levelStringThe level of education that this course course corresponds to4
activity_typeStringThe type of class this course corresponds to.Lecture
gradingStringThe grading status of this course.Graded
internal_course_numberStringThe internal (university) number used to reference this course.008613
prerequisitesCollectionRequirementA collection of prerequisites that must be met before a student may enroll in a section of this course.N/A
corequisitesCollectionRequirementA collection of all course requirements that must be met either before or while a student enrolls in a section of this course.N/A
lecture_contact_hoursStringThe weekly contact hours in lecture for a course. This information is outlined in the UTD Course Policies page.2
laboratory_contact_hoursStringThe weekly contact hours in laboratory for a course. This information is outlined in the UTD Course Policies page.4
offering_frequencyStringThe frequency of offering a course. The meanings of each letter can be found in the UTD Course Policies page.S (Other options include Y, T, R)
attributesObjectSpace for additional data describing the course not listed elsewhere.N/A